Good grief. Anyone want to start an ark-building club? Learn scuba in the back yard? We can only hope November brings us better observing weather…it can’t get much worse than October. Somehow, we did manage a couple of VCO sessions, but other than that….yikes! At least we have the warmth, good food, and terrific companionship of the upcoming Annual General Meeting to look forward to on Sunday, November 27th. If you haven’t already done so, have a look here:
Our Centre AGMs are really quite special and a lot of fun, so please consider attending. Spouses/partners welcome, too! Just call or email Nelson with the number in your party and your entrée choice(s).

Also, just a reminder of our pizza party on -Saturday December 3rd, 6pm-10pm in the Garry Oak room, Fairfield Community Centre,1341 Thurlow Road, Victoria, as a way of saying thanks! for all your hard work as volunteers. If you’re a Vic Centre member and have volunteered at one of our events in the last two years, you’re invited. Spouses/partners, too!  Check it out:
Please email me at no later than Monday, November 28th if you’d like to attend. (also let me know if you have any food allergies and/or preferences) Let’s let our hair down, stuff our faces, and reminisce about all the fun we’ve had at the various Victoria Centre activities!

For other Centre activities and events coming up, just place your cursor over the Events tab on our website for a list.

                                                                                All Good Things.
For me, this final monthly president’s message is a bittersweet one. I don’t like long goodbyes: you, the members of RASC-Victoria, are an amazing, wonderful, and immensely talented group of people, and it has been my sincere honour and pleasure to have served as Centre president for the past two years. Thank you for that opportunity, and for all for the support you’ve given the Victoria Centre with your knowledge, enthusiasm, and hard work. My best wishes to the new Council; I know you will continue the Victoria Centre’s tradition of excellence in all things astronomical and educational.

Clear (and dry) skies.


President’s Message November 2016