Just a look at the program booklet from a National General Assembly, either ours from 1998, or Edmonton Centre’s from 2012, portends the amount of work ahead of us. As volunteer effort is concerned, there is something for everyone.

Arrangements must be made for the site of the General Assembly 2014 event, here in Victoria. Budgets must be prepared and money raised. Volunteers must be found. Sponsors must be sought. Welcomes must be obtained from local worthies (i.e. “Greetings from the City of Victoria”). The event must be advertised and promoted. The support of the UVic astronomy department and the DAO must be enlisted. Speakers must be found, travel arrangements made, and expenses must be somehow secured. Programs, presentations and workshops must be arranged. Provision must be made for registration, accommodation, banquets, BBQ’s and other meals. There must be a hospitality suite. There must be entertainment. There must be prizes. Arrangements have to be made for tours of local tourist sites and astronomical facilities. There are exhibitions and displays. There are programs to be designed and printed. There are schedules to be figured out. Transportation must be arranged.

I have just scratched the surface. See anything you can do? Contact Paul Schumacher, Mark Bohlman, joint chairs of the GA 2014 Committee, or me.

Don’t forget the Messier Marathon, at the VCO, March 9 and 10. This is your chance work toward the coveted RASC Messier Pin. Show up and you’ll have all the help you need. There may even be a prize or two, and, coffee will be served.

President’s Message – February 2013