Video transcript of meeting

Finding Asteroids Before They Find Us – Kelly Fast, NASA/Planetary Defence Coordination Office

  • Finding the asteroid (bigger than 1m in size)
  • Near-Earth Objects (NEOs) that are hazardous to Earth (140m in size or larger)
  • NASA’s OSIRIS-REx mission to hazardous asteroid Bennu
  • Search, Detect & Track hazardous asteroids
  • International Asteroid Warning Network – worldwide effort
  • Searching for NEOs
    • Catalina Sky Survey – Arizona
    • Pan-STARRS – Maui, Hawaii
    • ATLAS – Hawaii, South Africa, Chile
    • LINEAR/SST – Australia
    • NEOWISE – JPL infrared space telescope
    • Follow-up telescopes also used
  • IAU Minor Planet Center – observations
  • JPL Center for Near Earth Object Studies – high precision NEO orbits, impact predictions
  • ESA Space Missions Planning Advisory Group – potential NEO deflection mission plans
  • Impact of small asteroid 2022 EB5 – March 11, 2022
  • U.S. Interagency Tabletop Exercise – 6 month warning time
  • 30,000 NEAs found so far
  • NEO Surveyor – new infrared space telescope being developed by NASA
  • Characterizing asteroids using infrared and radar
  • Asteroid Deflection
    • Gravity tractor
    • Nuclear explosion
    • Kinetic Impact – DART mission tested technique on Didymous/Dimorphos system
      • Change the orbital period
      • Autonomous navigation needed
      • Many ground-based observatories observed impact and resultant changes to Dimorphos
      • LICIACube satellite imaged the whole mission
  • Questions and discussion

2023 RASC Calendars – email Lauri Roche to reserve a copy

Astronomy Cafe – Oct 17, 2022
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