Video transcript of the meeting

While Waiting for Neowise by Dan Posey

North America Nebula region
This is a 6 minute test (12x30s) of the North America Nebula with a light pollution filter from Mt. Tolmie. Shot with my Sigma 105 at f2 and my Canon Ra at iso 640

Comet Neowise: An Urban Challenge by John McDonald

Comet Neowise captured from my 8th floor patio in Ross Place. 2020-07-13 Canon Ra with 24-105mm at lens at fl of 105mm on Skytracker mount. Single exposure at f/4 for 3.2s at ISO 640.
Stack of 10 subs cropped from a full frame showing detail of Comet Neowise captured from my 8th floor patio in Ross Place. 2020-07-13 Canon Ra with 24-70mm lens on Skytracker mount. Combination of 10 frames taken at f/4 for 3.2s at ISO 640. Processed in ACR and Photoshop. Comet was aligned and stars and combined with stars from a single image.
From FaceBook by By Ian Terris with thanks from Marnie Essery
Comet Neowise reflecting over Thetis Lake.

UVic Astronomy Open House 7:30PM Wednesday

The zoom guest link (with password embedded) is:

Bigger, better, faster: how changes in technology drive astronomy data collection by Nat Comeau

Abstract: There are roughly five variables of interest in observational astronomy: where the object was (sky position), what it looked like (spatial resolution), when it was seen (observation time), how bright it was (brightness), and what colour of light it was (spectral resolution). In this talk I’ll give an overview of how enhancements in technology have driven how precisely we can measure these five variables, and how increasing this precision unlocks wonders that were previously invisible to us. From the first naked eye measurements of the planets, to automated networks of telescopes working hand in hand with gravitational wave observatories, I will describe how far we’ve come in astronomy data collection and how much more there is to do​.


Astronomy Cafe – July 20, 2020
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