Astronomy Cafe – May 6, 2024

Meeting transcript video

  • Intro by Randy Enkin
  • Astronomy Podcasts – Randy Enkin
  • RASC General Assembly Report – last weekend
    • Jenna Hinds coordinated the back end
    • Gather Town wasn’t as well attended as previous years
    • John Reed’s presentation on acquiring an observing site in Nova Scotia
    • One stream this year instead of 2 or 3 previously
    • Victoria Centre Observatory
      • Video for GA by David Lee – many members related their history with the VCO, including observing experiences, construction, equipment, camaraderie with fellow members
    • Astronomy poetry by Mark Tovey, Adjunct Prof of History at Western U – David Lee
      • Based on 1940 astronomy journal found by Peter Jedicke at Western University
    • Astronomy Live by Chris & Shane – Kirsten Pedersen
    • Astronomical observing and sketching – presented by Randy Enkin and Bill Weir
  • Nathan’s Book Launch at Bolen Books (events – free tickets) on Tuesday
  • Monthly Meeting at UVic on Wed – Chris Gainor
  • Hubble Space Telescope – Chris Gainor
    • Three gyroscopes have failed, impacting operations
    • New repair mission? Not likely, but de-orbiting will happen in 10 years or so
    • Nancy Grace Roman space telescope is in the future
  • Astrophotography – Dave Payne
    • Bode’s Neighbourhood with Dust and Hydrogen – Wide-field
      • Created from 24 hours of exposure (3+ nights)
      • Bode’s Galaxy
      • M82 Cigar Galaxy
      • NGC 3077 – third “messy” galaxy in lower right
      • Many other smaller galaxies to find in the field
      • Dust in the field is from the Milky Way Galaxy
      • 17Gb JPG drizzled resultant image
  • Beginner’s SIG being held on May 15th
  • Astronomy Day 2024 – May 18th – Lauri Roche & David Lee
    • More volunteers still needed
  • Satellite tracks – image by Alan Dyer – Chris Gainor
  • FDAO Star Parties (events) – volunteers needed – Lauri Roche

Marjie Welchframe is hosting next week’s Astronomy Cafe on May 13th. There is no Astro Cafe on Victoria Day, May 20th. The last Astronomy Cafe will be held on May 27th, resuming in September.

Astronomy Cafe – May 6, 2024
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