Video transcript of meeting

  • Island Star Party report – Dave Payne
    • Thanks to all the volunteers
    • Need a new leader for the star party next year
    • Activities and functions
      • Logistics
      • Coordinating volunteers
      • Coordinating with the Cowichan Valley Regional District & Parks
    • Improvements and a new vision for next year’s event
  • Astronomical Photos
    • New 32″ telescope at Black Nugget Lake Observatory (near Edmonton) – Dave Robinson
    • Ron Fisher (online gallery)
      • M45 Pleiades Cluster
      • M31, 32, 110 Andromeda Galaxy
      • Cassiopeia’s Ghost SH2-185 – Gamma Cas star
  • The Hebrew Calendar – Randy Enkin
    • Jewish New Year on Friday/Saturday just past – Rosh Hashanah
    • Based on a Lunar Calendar
    • Review of rules to determine the New Year day
    • Year number is calculated to when the human world was “created” on Oct 6, 3761 BCE
    • Comparing the lunar and solar calendars
    • Necessary and Unnecessary Miracles
    • Discussion
  • Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Updates – Mary Beth Laychak, CFHT Communications
    • Land Acknowledgements for both Hawai’i and the DAO lands
    • Mauna Kea is one of the darkest sites in the world
    • Instruments review
    • Science Highlights review
    • Planning for the future
      • Maunakea Authority
      • Maunakea Spectrographic Explorer (MSE) – Pathfinder construction
      • New capabilities for CFHT
      • Internship offer for opto-mechanical design and production
    • Outreach to the community
      • Maunakea Scholars
      • Summer Interns
      • School events
    • CFHT Staff
    • Q&A
  • Announcements
    • Makers SIG – upcoming
    • Mallory Thorpe – next week’s speaker
Astronomy Cafe – Sep 18, 2023
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