Dr. Philip Stooke

7:30 PM Wednesday, November 13th, 2019
Room A104 Bob Wright Building, UVic

The International Atlas of Lunar Exploration - Phillip J. Stooke
The International Atlas of Lunar Exploration

Phil Stooke looks at missions to the Moon since the Apollo era (NASA’s Apollo landings and the Soviet Union’s final missions of the early 1970s).  After those missions the Moon was left alone for two decades while space agencies looked further out into the Solar System, but more recently the Moon has returned as a target for exploration.  We will look at a series of early lunar orbiters filling in gaps in our knowledge left after Apollo, then more advanced orbiters with modern instruments, and finally a series of landers, some successful and others not.  What have we done and where are we going?

Phil Stooke
Phil Stooke

Dr. Phil Stooke is a planetary scientist with a PhD from the University of Victoria who has returned to the west coast after 30 years working at Western University in Ontario.  He has worked on mapping asteroids, locating spacecraft landing and impact sites on the Moon and Mars, and depicting the history of exploration of the Moon and Mars.

November Speaker: The Moon After Apollo