President’s Message – May 2013

Although somewhat modestly attended, our International Astronomy Day 2013 event April 27 at the University of Victoria was a success. It was busy with families and lots of kids of all ages. Pearson College was well represented. University astronomers tended to the “Ask an Astronomer” table. Our own displays were nicely done and informative. Our daylong program of speakers gathered small but attentive audiences. The children’s tables hummed with activity.

As is often the case, the weather was not entirely cooperative during the day, so there was no solar observing. But those that returned for the evening session were treated to a comprehensive update on the search for extra-solar planets, complete with a history of the various projects, and a survey of the latest cutting-edge methods. Late-night clearing allowed for some observing at the University’s telescope for those with the energy to stay.

It certainly can be said that 250-300 enthusiastic visitors is quite satisfying for an event like this. Which is not to say that a larger crowd of the same sort of visitors would not be nice, too.

President’s Message – May 2013