President’s Message – November 2013

The closing of the Centre of the Universe remains a big disappointment for members of Victoria Centre, to say nothing of its former staff, supporters within the NRC, kids, science-minded parents, teachers, schools, and other members of this community.

Lana Popham, MLA from South Saanich, is spearheading an effort to see if the CU can somehow be saved. Toward that end, she is hosting a meeting of “stakeholders” at the Observatory on November 23 to discuss what might be done. Several members of Victoria Centre have been invited, as have representatives from the local staff of the NRC and the University of Victoria, as well as from local schools, non-profits and businesses.

Hopefully there is a way forward for the CU, which events since the announcement of its closing have shown to be so important to this community. We shall see what develops.

President’s Message – November 2013