It’s time again for the Call for Papers for the Annual General Assembly of the RASC. Since Victoria Centre is the host for the GA in June of this year, our organizing committee would like to see our local membership well-represented in our paper sessions. The papers can be about some observational research you may be involved with, the photographs of a trip you’ve taken, or perhaps related to an outreach activity. Have you done some historical research, worked on a new educational program or have a unique point of view on an astronomical topic? We are looking for presentations that represent a wide variety of topics generally related to astronomy and would love to have you involved.
Our paper presentations will be held on Saturday, June 28 and will be, as in the past few years, 15 to 20 minutes in length. They are one of the showcases of the Annual General Assembly and are eagerly anticipated by the delegates. I hope you will consider a proposal.
On Sunday, June 29 we will be having an afternoon forum that has as its theme the RASC’s intentions for programs and initiatives for UNESCO International Year of Light, 2015.
An International Year of Light will allow the universality of light and the variety of its applications to be appreciated via many and varied themes covering broad areas of interest, supported by cross-cutting themes addressing essential issues to be included in all activities.
The four main themes will be Light in Science, Technology, Nature and Culture with the cross-cutting themes of Sustainability and Development, Education, History and Young People.
You may wish to refer to the website (pdf) for more information and details.
Please send your intentions to present for either the Saturday Paper Sessions or the Sunday IYL 2015 forum to the Call For Papers webpage. Deadline is April 15th, 2014.
If you have an questions please contact [sc:pastpres]