The 2014 General Assembly is coming up quickly in late June, and our organising committee needs your help! Ideally, they would like to see every member of Victoria Centre contribute to the success of this event. Not only are we hosting our fellow astronomers from across Canada, we are also celebrating the 100th anniversary of Victoria Centre!

Job Descriptions – Additional Volunteers Needed (50 positions)

February 10, 2014


CHAIRPERSON COMMITTEE – Reports to Paul Schumacher and Mark Bohlman ( 10 positions open)

IT Chair (1 needed)

  • Identifies A/V needs, equipment and sourcing for all GA events (mostly UVic Sourcing)
  • Manages IT needs and infrastructure during all GA events

Music Night Coordinator ( 1 needed) Co-Coordinator Dr. Jim Hesser

  • solicits talent -coordinates venue requirements with Felicitas Pub
  • coordinates drink coupons to go in Goody bags
  • keeps liaison with talent, makes sure ready to go
  • deals with unexpected issues

First Aid Personnel (3 needed)

  • deals with any emergency that may come up (one on-call each day)

Signage / Umbrella Guru (1)

  • Arranges for design, production and installation of directional signage during event on campus, at airport
  • Arranges for umbrellas during rain days

UVic Telescope Liaison (1)

  • Works with Russ Robb to set up and manage evening viewing at UVic rooftop scope during GA

Photographers / Videographers (3)

  • Members to record events of all GA activities


REGISTRATION COMMITTEE– Reports to John McDonald, Chris Purse and Reg Dunkley (2 positions open)

Lodging Coordinator (1 needed)

  • Liaison with UVic for all lodging issues prior to and during event- rooms lists, room assignment issues

Collateral Coordinator (1 needed)

  • Responsible for Production and Distribution of Nametags, vouchers and distribution of registration packets/info books (working with Reg)


FINANCE COMMITTEE Reports to Nelson Walker (1 position open)

Assistant Controller (1 needed)

  • Back up to Nelson, assists with record keeping and money handling during GA


HOSPITALITY COMMITTEE Reports to Deb Crawford (14 positions open)

Check–in Desk Personnel (6 needed)

  • Greets arrivals at Cadboro Commons desk location
  • Souvenir sales and distribution

Catering/Meals Coordinator ( 1 needed)

  • Liaison with UVic Catering to confirm meal counts, coffee breaks all scheduled meals run smoothly

Meeting Room Coordinator (1 needed)

  • Liaison with UVic to see that all rooms are correctly booked and no issues arise during GA

Tours Coordinators (2 needed)

  • Makes sure all tours go as scheduled- Whale Watching, Butchart, Maritime Museum, Shopping Tour, Historic Tour
  • Assists Deb with head counts and preplanning and vendor liaison
  • Coordinates with Transportation Committee for drivers where needed

Welcome BBQ Helpers (4 needed)

  • Help with planning set-up and liaison for outside catered meal at DAO
  • Help with running BBQ during event


TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE – Reports to Charles Banville (21 positions open)

Transportation Assistant (1 needed)

  • Back-up to Charles to help with planning, bookings, driver coordination, outside transport providers if needed

Drivers (20 needed)

  • to drive guests to and from airport, bus terminal, ferries, DAO, tours
  • drivers will be reimbursed for their gas mileage for driving delegates to and from lodging to arrival/departure location and from to RASC organized events/tours


A/V SERVICES COMMITTEE – Reports to TBD Chairperson (2 positions open)

A/V Coordinators (2 needed)

  • back-up to TBD Chairperson
  • assists with A/V needs list, special music tracks, additional A/V requests, UVic Liaison


Volunteers needed for 2014 General Assembly!

12 thoughts on “Volunteers needed for 2014 General Assembly!

  • Pingback:President's Message - February 2014 - RASC Victoria

  • Pingback:President's Report - February 2014 | RASC Victoria

  • April 22, 2014 at 00:03

    HI! I can help taking photos or videos! Im good at it !

  • April 11, 2014 at 01:44

    HAppy to help in taking photos of events.

  • April 8, 2014 at 22:53

    I can help Nelson as assistant controller.

  • April 7, 2014 at 14:52

    Happy to help out wherever needed. Let me know.

  • April 7, 2014 at 12:13

    I’m back in the country on June 9th. I can do driving, videography/pictures, registration, AV, BBQing, UVic Telescope or whatever is needed


  • March 20, 2014 at 21:58

    •Help with running BBQ during event. Let me know if I can be of any assistance here, OK?


  • March 15, 2014 at 12:46

    Hey would you ever accept a 14 year old to help out? Id be happy to do almost anything that I can! Ive always dreamed to be an astronomer and I think this would really enrich me

  • March 4, 2014 at 17:10

    For Charles Banville (Transportation): I live 7 minutes from the ferry dock and 15 minutes from the airport and would be happy to schlep people down to UVic. I have a Chevy Tahoe (5-seater) so there’s lots of room for luggage. If you need other driving (such as to off-campus events), please let me know (250-655-9590).

    Also, Guy Nason (RASC – Toronto Past President) is staying with us, so he’ll be driving in to the University every day. Is parking free for attendees?

    For Deb Crawford (Hospitality): If Charles doesn’t need me at a particular time, I could come down and staff the Check-In Desk.

  • February 19, 2014 at 21:37

    I can help with Signage / Umbrella Guru and 1st Aid. Get in touch!

  • February 11, 2014 at 13:29

    I’m interested in volunteering as a driver.

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