Instructor: W John McDonald
Course #116990 $70
Program Guide (pdf)
3 Tuesdays, 7-9pm Apr 8-22, 2014

Photographing the night sky can be a rewarding pastime. As a result of improvements in
off-the-shelf cameras, amateurs can produce images that sometimes rival those done by
professional astronomers. The course will include instruction on camera types and
settings for various astronomical subjects. It will focus on subjects accessible with a
camera and tripod but will also include the opportunity to take images through a telescope.
If you have a camera that has manual settings please bring it to class. If you plan to
purchase one feel free to wait until the discussion of camera properties in the first class.

Monterey Recreation Centre • 1442 Monterey Avenue • 250‑370‑7300

Introduction to Astrophotography course

3 thoughts on “Introduction to Astrophotography course

  • August 14, 2016 at 02:00

    Good evening. I’m desperately in need of tutoring regarding astrophotography. I have a lot of equipment and am very aware that it’ll possibly take years to become efficient at this scientific aft form. I have had passion for astronomy science I was a child, but was unfortunately unable to follow my dream to become a astronomer.
    I have now come to a stage in my life were I have a little spare time and money and wish to rekindle me love affair with this science :-).
    I would love to join with a group or have private lessons.

    Yours Sincerely,
    Rowan Wales

  • January 30, 2014 at 17:15

    The course is geared for beginners but does cover more advanced topics. For example I show how images are calibrated using dark and flat frames, stacked and processed to show faint nebulae and galaxies that are not apparent in the initial images.

  • January 23, 2014 at 13:44

    Hi John, I was wondering if you could give me a bit more detail on what is covered in your astrophotography course. I’ve already been doing astrophotography for a couple years now, so I was wondering if the course is geared more towards beginners only, or if it will cover more advanced topics.

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