You may have heard that the venue we had booked for our AGM, the Cedar Hill Golf Club was flooded and will be closed for the next 6 months. We are very fortunate to have found an alternative and excellent venue: The Ambrosia Centre at 638 Fisgard Street. The building is currently dressed up in tarps (it is being re-wrapped to make it more energy efficient) but the interior is just fine. There is lots of parking on the street, as well as in the City Parkade directly across the street, and Douglas Street offers a major bus route with stops in the same block. When entering the building, use the left door and walk straight ahead into our lovely room.
For all those of you who have already placed orders, you need do nothing more than show up at the new venue on February 22, 2020. If you have yet to sign up, please contact our Treasurer Deb Crawford by email no later than 7 days before the event (Feb 15th). Please specifiy how many in your party, and their choice of entree. Cost for dinner is $40 per person (including tip and tax).
Members who wish to skip the dinner but attend the AGM and presentation, please arrive at 7:30PM. There is no cost to attend, in this case.

The menu will be much the same as publicized before, however the chicken option is no longer offered, and a new vegetarian dish is added.
- Steak – state rare, medium or well-done when ordering
- Baked Wild Salmon – choice of sauce
- Vegetarian Lasagna – grilled vegetables layered with tomato sauce & noodles topped with cheese
- Caesar salad
- Mixed greens with vinaigrette dressing
- Marinated vegetable pesto
- Traditional coleslaw
Side: Roasted Rosemary Baby Potatoes
- Assorted mini pastries with fruit garnish
- Homemade cheesecake

Schedule – Feb 22, 2020
- 6:00 p.m. Doors Open – No Host Bar
- 6:30 p.m. Buffet Style Banquet
- 7:30 p.m. Presentation: The Canada France Hawaii Telescope: The First 40 Years by Mary Beth Laychak
- 8:30 p.m. Annual General Meeting and Awards – Notice of Election