Alan Batten – 1931-2024 – In Memorium
Dr. Alan Batten receives the RASC Fellowship Award
Dr. Alan Batten receives the RASC Fellowship Award

Despite being a prolific and well-respected professional astronomer, Alan was probably just as proud to be a faithful member of the band of bell-ringers at Christ Church Cathedral for the entire 65 years he lived in Victoria. He contributed greatly to the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada (joining in 1962), serving as national President, Victoria Centre President, Editor of the JRASC, and receiving the National Service Award in 1988 for his many contributions up to that point. Alan’s interest in radial velocities and binary stars resulted in him publishing hundreds of papers and books, even after he retired. He contributed leadership to many astronomical societies, including ASP, CASCA (President 1972-74), and the IAU.

Alan was active in RASC Victoria Centre for decades, making presentations to members and the public, sharing his great sense of history and humour.

Alan’s funeral service will be held in Victoria at Christ Church Cathedral on Thursday, August 8, 2024 at 11:00 am.

Alan Henry Batten – obituary

Victoria Centre attendees
RASC GA July 1, 2018
L-R: Alan Battan, Alex Schmid, Jim Hesser, Chris Gainor, Nelson Walker, Mrs. Battan, Diane Bell, Lauri Roche, Joe Carr.

Our centre has lost one of its most distinguished members. Allan Batten was President of our centre and National President of the RASC, along with many other important jobs as part of his outstanding career as an astronomer and thinker.

Christopher Gainor, FRASC

Another distinguished astronomer of the DAO has moved on. I remember Alan as a soft-spoken gentleman who always wore a suit and tie to work. Whenever I heard the bells of Christchurch Cathedral ringing I often pictured Alan pulling on the ropes wearing his suit jacket. He sometimes sat at the “gearhead’s” table at coffee time and chatted with us about our work. I remember during a budget meeting in the old library, where budget priorities were discussed, there was some debate about whether or not the DAO should spend a princely sum on one of the new CCD detectors, which were then replacing photographic plates. Alan spoke up in favour of the CCD purchase, saying that the DAO should embrace this new technology. I like to think that his opinion carried the day, and it was decided to go ahead with the purchase.
Rest in peace Alan.

Jim Stilburn

That is sad news, I’ll remember Alan for his performance at the Herschel Music/Images events at Christ Church in 2019.

David Lee

I will remember him for that too.  It was inspiring to read the obituary in the Times Colonist today.

John McDonald

Alan was such a creative force. He will be missed but not forgotten. 

Lauri Roche

Fond memories of him. So sad to see him gone.

He came to London in January 1978 (I think it was) but there was a giant snowstorm and everything was closed. So for a hardy few who braved the conditions, Alan Batten gave his guest of honour lecture in our living room. He was a great sport about it all

Peter Jedicke

I remember meeting him and chatting with him about spectroscopy at the Herzberg Institute. A genuinely nice guy as well as a stellar astronomer with a remarkable career. We have all lost a good friend.

Mary Lou Whitehorne

Allan was my neighbour for 9 years. Those of us on Beachview Place (Cordova Bay) will miss him a lot.

Dave Robinson

Alan Batten – 1931-2024 – In Memorium