Video transcript of meeting
FDAO Winter Solstice Star Party: 7PM Saturday December 19th
The Friends of the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory are hosting a Winter Solstice Star Party on Zoom. Click the link for event info:
Great Conjunction: Monday December 21st
At 5:30 PM on Monday December 21st Jupiter will be 9 degrees above the horizon in the west. The angular separation of Jupiter and Saturn is 6 arc minutes 26 arc seconds … the closest it has been since 1623! Check it out!
Not Quite so Great Conjunction: Sunday December 20th
In case the weather is unfavourable on Monday evening you might want to give Sunday evening try. At 5:30 PM PST on Sunday December 20th, Jupiter is 9 deg 32 minutes above the horizon and the angular separation between Jupiter and Saturn is 7 arc minutes 43 arc seconds. Jupiter is only 1 arc minute 17 arc seconds closer to Saturn on Monday night than Sunday night which is only two Jupiter diameters closer!