Video transcript of meeting

  • Intro – Jeff Pivnick
  • Galileo – Jeff Pivnic
    • Today is the 382nd anniversary of his death in Florence in 1642
    • Taught at Universities of Pisa and Padua
    • Patron of the Medici family
    • Conducted experiments
    • Developed first telescopes based on Lippershey optics
    • Observed the Moon, Venus, Jupiter & 4 moons, Saturn, stars, Sun
    • Sidereal Messenger (1610) documenting his discoveries
    • Planetary motion theories
      • Ptolomaic model – Aristotle, Ptolemy, Aristarchus, Copernicus, Catholic Church
      • Heliocentric model – Galileo, Kepler and Copernicus
    • In 1630 published “The Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems”
    • Inquisition in 1633  found Galileo a heretic – put under house arrest
    • Review of his contributions to science
  • APOD for Dec 26, 2023 – Jellyfish Nebula photo by Dave Payne
    • Explanation of the formation of the nebula and the resulting structure
    • Composition and appearance based on materials
    • Stellar Supernova resulting in a Neutron star
    • Well-deserved recognition!
  • Astrophotos – Dave Payne
  • Ravensberger puzzle of the solar system – Randy Enkin
    • Planets and moons
    • From Lee Valley – now sold out
    • Fun to put together with numbered pieces in separate bags
  • Victoria Centre Awards – Reg Dunkley
  • Revealing the Invisible Universe with Radio Telescopes – Dr. Jennifer West, NRC – presentation at UVic – Wed Jan 10, 2024 at 7:30pm
  • AGM – Feb
  • Lauri Roche
    • Victoria Centre social at Four Mile Pub – Feb 26th
    • Astronomy Day – May 18, 2024 Royal BC Museum
      • Need a team to form soon to take leads in the volunteer tasks
      • ⁃ Contact Lauri for more info
    • Games night at the FDAO Star Party – Jan 27 6:30-10PM
Astronomy Cafe – Jan 8, 2024