More Noctilucent Cloud Sightings from Edmonton’s Alister Ling
UVic Open House Presentation: Using Telescopes as Time Machines
Be sure to catch the following UVic Webinar that begins at 7:30PM on Wednesday June 24th: Using Telescopes as Time Machines by Nishith Eluri and Jonathan Ranallo
“The telescope is perhaps an astronomer’s most useful tool, allowing them to study and understand things billions of lightyears away, in places we could never dream of visiting in person. With only a small telescope and a dark view of the heavens, anyone can see with their own eyes the beautiful planets and moons of our Solar System, faraway spiral galaxies dancing and interacting with each other, the nebulous death throes of ancient stars, clusters of young stars just leaving their nurseries, and a myriad of other celestial wonders. This week, our volunteers Nishith and Jonathan will delve into the history and inner workings of telescopes of all types, from Galileo’s first hand-made refractor to the Earth-sized telescope used to image a black hole, and everything in between.”
The zoom guest link (with password embedded) is:
Meeting ID: 971 7323 6268 Password: 554555
- This Week’s Sky – Skynews magazine
- This Week’s Sky At a Glance – Sky & Telescope magazine
- Explore the Universe Online – complete this observing program over the next few months, guided online by RASC’s Eric Wickham
Telescope Price Fixing Legal Dispute
Chris Purse shared this CBC story on a legal dispute regarding price fixing of amateur telescopes.
Christopher Go Planetary Imaging Tutorials
Zoom has allowed accomplished members of the astronomical community to share their expertise in a Webinar environment. These sessions are often posted on YouTube to replay at your leisure. There are so many postings, however it is easy to miss some valuable talks. In the following three links acclaimed planetary imager Christopher Go shares his expertise. These sessions may help some local planetary and lunar imagers to further hone their skills. These sessions were hosted by Woodland Hills Camera and Telescopes in April 2020.
Planetary Imaging Essentials Part 1:
Planetary Imaging Essentials Part 2:
Planetary Imaging Essentials Part 3: