President’s Message – February 2014

The hard-working organizers of the upcoming GA 2014 are concerned about our member response, or lack thereof, to their cries for volunteers.  They assure me that it will take almost all of the active members of the Centre to put on this event.  PLEASE get in touch with Paul or Mark and sign yourself up for something.

For a number of reasons, most of which I have forgotten, it was necessary to change the date of our Astronomy Day event, to be held this year at the Royal BC Museum, from May 10 to May 3.  Please call Sherry to get on the list for this one.

The last bit of news concerns our annual RASCals Metchosin Star Party.  As of 2010, the CVSF group has scheduled its annual gathering, now at Bright Angel Park, on the weekend closest to the August new moon, and have now done so in advance for the next several years (as I understand it).  This leaves us in a bit of a quandary about what to do about our event.  The August new moon date is best for those of us in the Pacific Northwest.  The July new moon is less than ideal, as the nights are too short, and the sunset too late, but more importantly, the Metchosin wind in July, can be, and usually is, horrific.  The September new moon is too cold for most (many?) observers.  We have considered at least three other options: abandoning the event altogether, or scheduling ours at the same time as theirs, or scheduling ours also in August, but on a different akun pro uganda weekend (this would be referred to as a “Moon Party”).  Each of these five choices has proponents on Council.  This year we have decided to try an August weekend other than that of the new moon (and CVSF Island SP): August 15 through 17.  This is the weekend of the last quarter moon.  Hardly ideal, be we have asked Metchosin if the field is available and will keep you posted.  If you have any input on this, drop me an email.

President’s Message – February 2014