Video transcript of meeting
- Intro – Jeff Pivnick
- To the Moon, with Robots and Humans – Dr. Gordon “Oz” Osinski, Dept. Earth Sciences, University of Western Ontario
- Sailing ships to space missions – history of human exploration
- The Moon has thousands of meteorite impacts
- 2019 announcement by Canadian government
- Canadarm 3 on Lunar Gateway outpost
- Lunar Exploration Accelerator Program (LEAP) – Canadian lunar rover
- Artemis I – launched last year
- Lots of images from this mission
- Artemis II – orbit Moon
- Canadian astronaut – Jeremy Hansen
- Crewed test flight to the Moon and Earth high orbit
- Engineering mission, not a science mission
- Launch – late 2024 or early 2025
- Artemis III – land on the Moon
- Geology training for astronauts
- 18 astronaut candidates
- 13 candidate landing sites – all near Lunar South Pole
- Geological samples will return to Earth with the astronauts
- Canada has 30 out of 200 impact craters found on Earth
- Mistastin Lake impact structure – best analog to lunar craters since anorthosite ejecta is found here, same as on the Moon (light material)
- Canadian Lunar Rover Mission
- Canadensys – contractor for 30kg prototype
- Science instruments will take about 5-6kg
- South Pole – geology and mineral resources
- Volatiles – water
- Permanently Shadowed Regions – no sunlight
- Radiation monitoring to ensure astronauts’ health, both on the Moon and future Mars missions
- Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter – images showing deep lunar shadows
- Q & A
- Island Star Party 2023 – Dave Payne
- August 11-13, 2023
- In-reach – socializing with fellow members
- Location: Bright Angel Park – south Cowichan
- Activities
- Solar observing
- Nature walks
- Kinsol Trestle
- Lots of activities in Cowichan Valley
- Telescope walk, how to use a telescope, observing skills
- Speakers – one each night
- Perseid Meteor shower
- T-shirts – contact Joe Carr to preorder
- Volunteers needed – contact Dave Payne
- ISP Volunteer Email List
- Victoria Centre Observatory – Reg Dunkley
- Last night – 10 Active Observers
- Both visual and photography
- Become an Active Observer – contact Chris Purse
- Occultation of Jupiter by the Moon – David Lee
- Wednesday, May 17th 4:52am – 5:33am
- Moon 3º above the eastern horizon during the occultation
- Astrophotography by local members
- Astronomy Day slideshow – Ken McGill
- Brock Johnston
- Orion & Flame Nebula widefield
- M94 – halo
- Cat’s Eye Nebula & NGC 6552 barred spiral galaxy
- Randy Enkin
- Deep Sky Filter – a Lumicon “UHC” legacy visual filter
- Orrery – kit build
- Observations – Marjie Welchframe
- Kemble’s Cascade
- Spring double stars
No Astro Cafe next week due to the Victoria Day statutory holiday. The last Astro Cafe before the summer break will be held on May 29th.
Astronomy Cafe – May 15, 2023