Date/time: October 8, 2014 7:30PM
Venue: University of Victoria, Bob Wright Bldg Lecture Theatre B150
(Note we are still using B150 instead of our usual A104 in Bob Wright Bldg)
Nelson Walker will be the evening’s speaker with “How Can You Become a
Better Observer?”
“How can you become a better observer? How can you do something other than look at the same fifteen objects every time you go out? Can you learn to star hop to IC 289? What equipment works best for visual observing? What charts are best for visual observing? Do you need finder charts? Should you keep a logbook? Learn the answer to these and other burning questions next Wednesday night.”
A great topic, especially for those newcomers to astronomy who have joined us recently!
As usual, we’ll meet afterwards in the astronomy lounge on the fourth floor of the Elliot building for chat and coffee.