July 28-30, 2017
At the Metchosin Municipal Grounds
behind the Metchosin Fire Hall
4440 Happy Valley Road, Victoria, BC, Canada

Gates will open at 12pm noon on Friday. Camp on the field and setup your telescope.
Cost: Free of charge! RASC members and visiting observers (who stay overnight): suggested donation of $20/Adult one day, two or three.
Everyone who is present is entitled to tickets for door prizes, lectures and access to the observing field. Prizes include telescopes!
Don’t want to camp? No problem…you can drive home after an evening of fun on the observing field.
Staying after dark? Please bring a red light with you – no white lights!
Photo gallery for RASCals 2017 Star Party
Schedule of Events
Friday 28th
- 2:00 pm – Gates open
- 8:00 pm – Welcome and door prizes
- 8:30 pm – Speaker – Elizabeth Griffin, PhD (NRC – Hertzberg) Big data, little data, or (Help!) no data
- 10:00 pm until dawn: observing! No white lights during this time, please
Saturday 29th
- Solar viewing – all day on the field
- 1:00 pm – Eclipse Viewing – Michael Webb in Metchosin House
- 2:00 pm – New telescope for Victoria Centre Observatory – fundraiser & reception in Metchosin House
- 8:00 pm – Door prizes
- 8:30 pm – Speaker – Henry Ngo, PhD (NRC – Hertzberg) Exploring Exoplanets
- 9:30 pm – Public viewing of the night sky with RASC telescopes
- 10:00 pm until dawn: observing! No white lights during this time, please
Sunday 30th
- Cleanup – everyone please pitch-in & help
- 12:00 pm – early departures please!
Please feel free to camp on the field with your tent, trailer or motorhome and setup your telescope and other astronomy gear. There is some power on the field for astronomy equipment, but no RV plug-ins please! Also, please do NOT park on the field with your vehicle if you plan to leave after dark! In this case, move your vehicle off the field after setting up, and park on the access road beside the municipal hall with your headlights facing away from the field (towards the firehall). The same parking request applies to visitors for the evening – park beside the municipal hall and walk into the field.