Victoria will experience a 90% solar eclipse on the morning of Monday, August 21, 2017 with the maximum at 10:20 a.m.
IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION: Approved eclipse glasses or approved eclipse filters must be used at ALL times when looking at the sun. Serious and irreversible eye damage may result from looking at the sun without approved safety equipment.
Important eclipse planning information
Press Release
Here are the public viewing sites in the Capital Region that have been identified:
Mount Tolmie Park – RASC members will be at the summit with solar telescopes and eclipse viewers.
Royal BC Museum area – RASC members will be near the museum with solar telescopes and eclipse viewers.
University of Victoria Observatory – UVic is hosting a special public open house at the UVic Observatory (Bob Wright Building – 5th floor) on Monday, August 21, 2017 from 9 to 11:30 a.m. to view the solar eclipse. The eclipse will be visible at 90% coverage from Victoria. The eclipse begins at 9:08 a.m., reaches maximum coverage at 10:20 a.m., and will end at 11:38 a.m.. We will have eclipse glasses for the public to use and share, as well as special solar telescopes which will project an image of the Sun on a small white screen (attached to the telescope) to clearly show the eclipse. Looking at the Sun directly, even during maximum coverage, is damaging to your eyes. We request the public to leave the eclipse glasses behind after use. The event is free and no preregistration is necessary. The observatory will be open for the duration, and you are welcome to come and go as you wish. Please contact the Physics & Astronomy main office (250-721-7700) if you need any further information. Please note, pay parking is in effect on the University campus. The Bob Wright Building is easily accessible by bus.
Continue to check this site for additional sites as they are added.
Useful links:
NASA eclipse site – includes important safety information and an interactive map so you can determine the eclipse times at your location
Mr Eclipse – a lot of good information from eclipse viewing experts
American Astronomical Society – list of reputable vendors of solar viewers and filters