Happy New Year RASCals! As we slide into a brand new decade it is a good time to reflect on astronomical accomplishments and events that have taken place over the last 10 years. It has been an amazing period for
January 2020 Speaker: From Baby Planets to Black Holes: ALMA Explores the Cold Universe
Dr. Gerald Schieven, NRC Herzberg 7:30 PM Wednesday, January 8th, 2020 Room A104, Bob Wright Centre, UVic The ALMA Observatory is a billion dollar multi-national astronomy facility located at high elevation in the Atacama desert of northern Chile. Its 66
December Speaker: The lives and deaths of galaxies — more than just a metaphor
Dr. Marcin Sawicki 7:30 PM Wednesday, December 11th, 2019 Room A104, Bob Wright Centre, UVic Astronomers often say that galaxies were “born” soon after the Big Bang, that they “live” while they are forming new stars, and that they “die”