Video transcript of meeting Maritime Museum development proposal Nominate Alex Schmid for upcoming Victoria Council by-election – email UVic Astronomy Open House Wednesday October 28th: Deep (Machine) Learning with Neural Networks by Karun Thanjavur (UVic) You are invited this Zoom
Astronomy Cafe – October 19, 2020
Transcript video of the online meeting. Kevin is a friend of Ken Mallory. Presented by Chris Purse Astrophotography by the Victoria Camera Club members – John McDonald John introduced VCC members who participated in his astrophoto workshop, which was two
Astronomy Cafe – Monday October 5th 2020
Meeting video transcript Latest Mars image on September 30th by John McDonald Latest Mars image from Edmonton RASCal Abdur Anwar Unquiet Slumbers Aurora from Edmonton RASCal Alister Ling To savour Alister’s wonderful time lapse crank up the volume and click